domingo, 27 de novembro de 2011


Breaking News ------------

BT secret services discovered the best kept secret of 2011, the next year theme for Ambush Blitz Campaign - that´s right folks - first hand - we are going to have Russians against Germans - the place of the event .... Espinho, the date .....September 8th.

BT spies have discovered the building up of german and russians forces and the beginning of their troop movements. The Russians anticipating the long-expected attack began first, preparing their defenses, massing forces, starting with the HQ´s, Anti-aircraft positions and moving infantry.

Top Secret - Here are the evidences gathered by our field agents:

HQ - Zis M1 saloon car from Pithead, and
 Russian officers from Pendraken

Bren carrier and Soviet tank riders from WGS

76mm AA gun, M31 by Pendraken

These AA guns seem fearful, pointing and looking at the sky in search of the dreaded Stukas and junkers 88.

Stay tunned for more secret news - By the way you are all invited to appear next year in Espinho.

Best regards


4 comentários:

  1. Thanks for your opinions.
    I think the real models look better than on these photos.


  2. E aqui temos mais um membro da BT que precisa de tirar um curso rápido sobre "como tirar fotos" com o Mário Laranja...
    Fora isso: parabéns!
