quarta-feira, 12 de agosto de 2015


The Arrmy

High guys, it´s me again – Yes, I´m back. Today I want to show my new, just arrived, DBA 2.2, Book II – 3. Classical Indian (500BC - 545AD) army painted and based. I had bought it ages ago, from Essex miniatures (I didn´t have internet those days).

My usual Classical Indian DBA army is made of 3 El (including general), 2 heavy chariots, 2Cv, 4 Lb, 1 Bd (still I have all options). I use an elephant hospital as my camp. Since the release of DBA 3.0 I´m wondering if I should update this army or not. I consider that the new army list downgrade it.

Bd and Ps
(the first will disappear in DBA 3.0)

It´s awesome and a Great job indeed, however I must be honest – I didn´t paint it. The painter is João Peixoto (again), my personal and special miniature painter.
He is an extraordinary person, a history teacher, military historian, miniature collector, blogger, wargamer, battlefield guide and a good friend; well I can only say he is a multi-role guy.If you want to meet him you can find him here - https://www.vayable.com/experiences/9806-a-trip-to-bucaco-battlefieldMaybe he let you visit his”Cave”.

-Thanks JP-
Best Regards


1 comentário:

  1. A very nice army! I like the shield designs.


    Regards, Chris.
