Railgun, Wagons, Morser and transport - Dragon Cando
Figures - Dragon Cando and Minifigs
Trucks - Wiking

(Class BR 52 locomotive - German State Railways)
The Big Boy is out again!
That's right, this time it is the "Loki" who came over to visit the us, as an excuse to show CB's expertise in miniature modelling.
As everybody knows, "Loki" was the name of a god from norse mythology, famous for his mischievous deeds, and it seems a proper name to give a railways gun that was surely "born" to spread mischief - in many ways...
This is another pic that turned out really well.
I just wished JP could take a few hints (and a couple of lessons...) from CB, when it comes to taking modelling pics. The best pic he placed in his blog until now it is not even his - its from that nice girl Soraia.
Looking very nice!