quinta-feira, 8 de outubro de 2015

Battlegroup future releases - Discussion!

From Ironfist Publishing.

Any comments?

"Recently Warwick, Piers and Will from PSC have been discussing the titles and themes for future Battlegroup book releases.

A few years ago we planned our releases up to Battlegroup Tobruk (due spring 2016) and have felt it's now time to look again at where we go after this. We have the smaller Bulge book due later this year and perhaps people will want to see these books more covering smaller campaigns and acting as 'supplements' and scenario books for existing releases. Or perhaps you feel there are major campaigns we should cover in our larger book releases?

We would really like to get an idea of what you, our players, would like to see in the future. Please take the time to post what you think would make good releases and please share this post among other gamers and groups.

The more feedback we can get, the more we can inform our decisions on what to produce and when.

Best wishes,

Warwick, Piers & Will"

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