terça-feira, 16 de setembro de 2014

WWI Locomotives & War - by Carlos Briz

Figures - Irregular

(Class 422 locomotive - Belgian State Railways)

This time CB brings us a "massacre near the railroad track"!

That's right, this time CB placed a lot of casualties in this dio, all a lot of blood and guts around, maybe with the intention of signaling the massacre that the German army made, when it first entered Belgium, at the beginning of the war.

This is CB's second dio in a row, related to WWI.

This only shows all you guys that the BT blog is in touch with all the memorials that, all over Europe, are related to remembering the centenial of WWI.

By the way, there are some great news coming up!

CB is going to lose is head ( and open his purse...) and organize something BIG, early next year, and all the followers of the BT blog are already priority guests!

Stay tunned!


segunda-feira, 8 de setembro de 2014

WWI Locomotives & War - by Carlos Briz

Figures - Irregular

(Class P4 locomotive - Prussian State Railways)

Check out one of the dios brought by CB to the Espinho 2014 event, in a winter setting!

This dio reminds us of the approaching frost, however here in Portugal snow is still a rare occurence.

There are also a lot of events here in Portugal that celebrate the aniversary of WWI - does this means that CB is going to dedicate himself only to WWI for the next few years?

Let's wait and see!

Great dio CB!